Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feeling a Little Pink

Yesterday, my friend June and I spent the day making "pink" vintage tags.  I had been wanting to make some pink vintage style items to display in a  wire basket I  recently found at a local thrift store.  We had a wonderful time together,  creating these tags, using vintage stamps and inks, bits of ribbons, buttons, torn pages from an old "french dialog" textbook.  It seemed as though the day ended too quickly as we rarely have time to get together with her busy schedule, however, I treasure the special time we had  together making fun things that we both enjoy.  She and I share the same interests in vintage style memorabilia, and incorporating them in our love for scrapbooking.  Her home is filled with lots of unique vintage collectibles making it a special place to come to create projects to display and share  our  ideas.   The food she served  for breakfast and lunch was so delicious, the day could not have been more perfect.  I think we both needed this special time to let our creative juices flow. 


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